Friday, 1 May 2020

Red Polo Shirt, one of the Branded Complimentary Products from HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, A Postgraduate-Only Institution. A selection of these products is given to Students and Delegates who attend our Video-Enhanced Online and Classroom-Based Postgraduate Diploma, & Postgraduate Certificate Programmes, and Diploma – Postgraduate - Short Courses. Our most popular Postgraduate Short Courses incorporate the following:
Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (1) Course;
Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (2) Course;
Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (3) Course;
Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting – Bridging Course;
Advanced Public Administration: Managing Strategic and Operational Aspects of Public Sector Organisations Course;
Advanced Value Engineering, Cost Effective Project Initiation Management and Delivery Course;
Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy: Claims, Measures, Stance, Sunset Review and Suspension Course;
Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Trade in Services: Investigation, Determination, Countervailing Measures, Sunset Review, Suspension and National Security;
Business and Organisational Analysis;
Business Plan: A Guide to Entrepreneurs and Investors;
Communication, Information Gathering, Analysis and Report Writing;
Comprehensive Real Estate Management;
Conflict and Role Conflict: Conflict Management in Organisations;
Conveyancing and Property Valuation;
Corporate Governance: Principles and Practice;
Decision-making in Organisations (Organizations): Structural Design Myths and Realities;
Delegating For Role and Organisational Effectiveness;
Effective Time Management;
Employee Resourcing: Recruitment & Selection;
Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness;
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM);
Executive Leadership and High-Performance Team Management;
Executive Leadership, Team Leadership and Public Relations;
External and Internal or Organic Organisational Growth Strategy: In Pursuit of Organisational Effectiveness;
Health and Safety Management in Industrial and Commercial Sectors;
Health and Safety Management in the Petroleum – Oil and Gas – Industry;
Human Resource Administrative Support;
Human Resource Management (HRM) in the Petroleum - Oil and Gas Industry;
Human Resource Training and Development Management,
Industrial Health and Safety Management, Incorporating Oil and Gas Safety;
Information, Risk, Security and Crisis Management;
Intellectual Property Law;
Internal and External Organisational Analysis;
Internal Audit, Incorporating Corporate Governance and Financial Risk Management;
International Petroleum Oil and Gas Exploration Contract;
Leadership and Management Skills;
Leadership and Management Skills;
Legal Parameter of Real Estate Management;
Managing Individual Performance;
Managing Individuals and Groups In Organisations (Organizations);
Managing Internal and External Cultural Diversity;
Marketing Dynamics: Effective Customer and Client-Driven, Value Orientation and Strategy;
Modern Marketing in a Consumer-Led Environment;
Motivating Workers: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards;
Oil and Gas - Petroleum Taxation;
Oil and Gas Operation for Non-Technical Staff – Incorporating Oil and Gas Safety;
Organisational (Organizational) Design: Structuring and Restructuring Organisations (Organizations);
Organisational Culture and Cross-Cultural Communication;
Organisational Effectiveness Enhancement Strategy in a VUCA Environment: Employing OD, AI, ML, DL, Robotics and SW, OT, PESTEL Analyses;
Organisational Improvement: Revitalizing Organisations, Through Organisational (Organizational) Development and Change;
Research Project: Design, Conduct & Report;
Small Business Start-Up, Expansion and Management;
Strategic and Operational Human Resource Management in an International Context;
Team Dynamics: Team Leadership;
The Management of Human Resource;
Trainer Training: Training for Trainers;
Training Expenditure or Investment?: Training Needs Analysis, Costing and Budgeting for Accelerated Rate of Return;
Training Needs Analysis: Determining Training Needs;
Travel and Protocol Management;
UK Employment Law;
Upstream Oil & Gas Accounting & Contracts: Oil & Gas Operation, Mineral Rights, Leases & Successful Efforts Accounting;
Warehouse Management, Material Handling, Storage and Logistics Operation.


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